Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: February 15, 2025


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Responses of Vertebrate Wildlife to Oil and Natural Gas Development: Patterns and Frontiers
A. D. Chalfoun, May 2021
Oil and gas development does not reduce duck pair abundance in the Prairie Pothole Region
Loesch et al., April 2021
Quantifying habitat loss and modification from recent expansion of energy infrastructure in an isolated, peripheral greater sage-grouse population
Walker et al., February 2020
Epigenetic response of Louisiana Waterthrush Parkesia motacilla to shale gas development
Frantz et al., February 2025
Proximity to oil wells in North Dakota does not impact nest success of ducks but lowers nest densities
Skaggs et al., February 2025
Bird and invertebrate communities appear unaffected by fracking traffic along rural roads despite dust emissions
Spiess et al., June 2019
Demographic characteristics of an avian predator, Louisiana Waterthrush (Parkesia motacilla), in response to its aquatic prey in a Central Appalachian USA watershed impacted by shale gas development
Frantz et al., November 2018
Oil Development in the Grasslands: Saskatchewan’s Bakken Formation and Species at Risk Protection
Andrea Olive, February 2018
Demographic response of Louisiana Waterthrush, a stream obligate songbird of conservation concern, to shale gas development
Frantz et al., February 2018
Chronic anthropogenic noise disrupts glucocorticoid signaling and has multiple effects on fitness in an avian community
Kleist et al., January 2018
Effects of shallow natural gas well structures and associated roads on grassland songbird reproductive success in Alberta, Canada
Jenny Yoo and Nicola Koper, March 2017
Oil and gas development exposure and conservation scenarios for Greater sage-grouse: Combining spatially explicit modeling with GIS visualization provides critical information for management decisions
Lara M. Juliusson and Kevin E. Doherty, March 2017
Ferruginous hawk demography in areas differing in energy extraction activity
Wiggins et al., February 2017
Sound settlement: noise surpasses land cover in explaining breeding habitat selection of secondary cavity-nesting birds
Kleist et al., January 2017
Physical footprint of oil and gas infrastructure, not anthropogenic noise, reduces nesting success of some grassland songbirds
Jacy Bernath-Plaisted and Nicola Koper, December 2016
Bird community response to Marcellus shale gas development
Barton et al., September 2016
Shale gas development effects on the songbird community in a central Appalachian forest
Farwell et al., September 2016
Louisiana Waterthrush and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Response to Shale Gas Development
Wood et al., May 2016
Re-Occupancy of Breeding Territories by Ferruginous Hawks in Wyoming: Relationships to Environmental and Anthropogenic Factors
Wallace et al., April 2016
Avoidance of unconventional oil wells and roads exacerbates habitat loss for grassland birds in the North American great plains
Thompson et al., December 2015
Evidence from two shale regions that a riparian songbird accumulates metals associated with hydraulic fracturing
Latta et al., September 2015
Evaluating the impact of gas extraction infrastructure on the occupancy of sagebrush-obligate songbirds
Mutter et al., July 2015
Energy development and avian nest survival in Wyoming, USA: A test of a common disturbance index
Matthew G. Hethcoat and Anna D. Chalfoun, April 2015
Oil and natural gas development has mixed effects on the density and reproductive success of grassland songbirds
Ludlow et al., January 2015
Grassland songbirds exhibit variable responses to the proximity and density of natural gas wells
Holly J. Kalyn Bogard and Stephen K. Davis, April 2014
Effects of Disturbance Associated with Natural Gas Extraction on the Occurrence of Three Grassland Songbirds
Hamilton et al., June 2011
Landscape patterns of avian habitat use and nest success are affected by chronic gas well compressor noise
Francis et al., May 2011
Energy development affects populations of sagebrush songbirds in Wyoming
Michelle M. Gilbert and Anna D. Chalfoun, May 2011

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