Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: February 15, 2025


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Effect of subsidies and regulatory exemptions on 2020–2030 oil and gas production and profits in the United States
Achakulwisut et al., August 2021
Acid stimulation: Fracking by stealth continues despite the moratorium in England
Zalucka et al., June 2021
Mechanisms of metapower & procedural injustices in the Colorado Oil and Gas Task Force decision-making process
Stacia S. Ryder and Stephanie A. Malin, April 2021
The effect of Pennsylvania's 500 ft surface setback regulation on siting unconventional natural gas wells near buildings: An interrupted time-series analysis
Michanowicz et al., April 2021
Emissions of particulate matter due to Marcellus Shale gas development in Pennsylvania: Mapping the implications
Zoya Banan and Jeremy M. Gernand, January 2021
Use of Fracking Information Disclosure Policies to Reduce Uncertainty in Risk-Based Decisions
Sean Lonnquist and Deborah Gallagher, February 2025
Prospective policy safeguards to mitigate hydrogeological risk pathways in advance of shale gas development in the Karoo basin, South Africa
Pietersen et al., October 2020
Regulations to protect groundwater resources during unconventional oil and gas extraction using fracking
Esterhuyse et al., September 2019
Environmental enforcement and compliance in Pennsylvania’s Marcellus shale gas development
Guo et al., May 2019
Information booms and busts: Examining oil and gas disclosure policies across the states
Jonathan M. Fisk and A. J. Good, April 2019
Embodied energy injustices: Unveiling and politicizing the transboundary harms of fossil fuel extractivism and fossil fuel supply chains
Healy et al., February 2019
How should unconventional oil and gas be regulated? The role of natural resource dependence and economic insecurity
Adam Mayer and Stephanie Malin, December 2018
A comparative study of water-related issues in the context of hydraulic fracturing in Texas and Spain
Buono et al., December 2018
The Dual Importance of Political Identity in Environmental Governance: The Case of Oil and Gas Policy in Colorado
Adam Mayer and Tara O'Connor Shelley, November 2018
Fracking in a fractured environment: Shale gas mining and institutional dynamics in South Africa’s young democracy
Doreen Atkinson, November 2018
Can shale gas development in Mexico be smart regulated? A qualitative analysis of the regulatory setting, challenges and perspectives
Jose Alberto Hernandez Ibarzabal, November 2018
Ensuring health and environmental protection in hydraulic fracturing: A focus on British Columbia and Alberta, Canada
Larkin et al., November 2018
Identifying policy and legal issues for shale gas development in Algeria: A SWOT analysis
Azubuike et al., October 2018
Industry and government responses to unconventional gas development in Australia
Witt et al., October 2018
Oklahoma earthquakes and the price of oil
Travis Roach, October 2018
Keep it local? Preferences for federal, state, or local unconventional oil and gas regulations
Adam Mayer and Stephanie Malin, October 2018
Horizontal drilling, changing patterns of extraction, and piecemeal participation: Urban hydrocarbon governance in Colorado
Adrianne C. Kroepsch, September 2018
Can shale gas development in Mexico be smart regulated? A qualitative analysis of the regulatory setting, challenges and perspectives
José Alberto Hernández Ibarzábal, August 2018
Across the universe of shale resources—a comparative assessment of the emerging legal foundations for unconventional energy
Cameron et al., August 2018
Monitoring of unconventional oil and gas extraction and its policy implications: A case study from South Africa
Esterhuyse et al., July 2018
Scalar controversies in oil and gas governance: Perspectives on who should regulate the oil and gas industry from policy actors in Colorado and Utah
Adam Mayer, June 2018
Governance of shale gas development: Insights from the Bloomington school of institutional analysis
Ilia Murtazashvili and Ennio E. Piano, June 2018
Capture and crush: Gas companies in the fracking dispute and deliberative depoliticization
Wilson et al., June 2018
The need to protect fresh and brackish groundwater resources during unconventional oil and gas development
DiGiulio et al., June 2018
Disclosure Conflicts: Crude Oil Trains, Fracking Chemicals, and the Politics of Transparency
Abby Kinchy and Guy Schaffer, April 2018
Managing Environmental Liability: An Evaluation of Bonding Requirements for Oil and Gas Wells in the United States
Ho et al., March 2018
Hydraulic Fracturing in the Karoo: Critical Legal and Environmental Perspectives
Joanne Hawkins, March 2018
Variance in State Protection from Exposure to NORM and TENORM Wastes Generated During Unconventional Oil and Gas Operations: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go
Elizabeth Ann Glass Geltman and Nichole LeClair, February 2018
Fracking in the UK and Switzerland: why differences in policymaking systems don't always produce different outputs and outcomes
Cairney et al., January 2018
A transboundary comparative analysis of opportunities for public participation in the regulation of hydraulic fracturing in the Bakken Shale Formation
Stewart et al., February 2025
Regulating under conditions of uncertainty and risk: Lessons learned from state regulation of hydraulic fracturing
Jonah J. Ralston and Jason A. Kalmbach, February 2025
Governing Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction: The Case of Pennsylvania
Brian Alexander Chalfant and Caitlin C. Corrigan, February 2025
The Effect of Firm Size on Fracking Safety
Jonathan Eyer, February 2025
Economic Identity, Price and Policy: Willingness to Pay for Fracking Regulation in Colorado
Adam Mayer, February 2025
Barriers to sharing water quality data: experiences from the Shale Network
Brasier et al., December 2017
Suburbanization and shale gas wells: Patterns, planning perspectives, and reverse setback policies
Fry et al., December 2017
Natural resource ownership, financial gains, and governance: The case of unconventional gas development in the UK and the US
Max Harleman and Jeremy G. Weber, December 2017
Emergent patterns and processes in urban hydrocarbon governance
Matthew Fry and Christian Brannstrom, December 2017
Vulnerability mapping as a tool to manage the environmental impacts of oil and gas extraction
Esterhuyse et al., November 2017
Shipping Fracking Wastes on the Ohio River: A Case Study in Effective Public Advocacy and How Citizen Groups Can Do Even Better
Elizabeth Ann Glass Geltman, October 2017
Examining the Effects of Environmental Policy on Shale Gas Production: The Case of Alberta, Canada
Langer et al., August 2017
Memorandums of understanding and public trust in local government for Colorado's unconventional energy industry
Skylar Zilliox and Jessica M. Smith, August 2017
Using integrated process and microeconomic analyses to enable effective environmental policy for shale gas in the USA
Rasha Hasaneen and Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi, August 2017
Concern and counter-concern: The challenge of fragmented fears for the reguation of hydraulic fracturing
John Pearson and Gary Lynch-Wood, July 2017
Shaping State Fracking Policies in the United States: An Analysis of Who, What, and How
Charles E. Davis, June 2017

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