Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: February 15, 2025


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A comparative study of Chinese and American public perceptions of shale gas development
Zhang et al., December 2021
Identifying environmental and health threats in unconventional oil and gas violations: evidence from Pennsylvania compliance reports
Bi et al., November 2021
Fracking boomtowns? Proximity, intensity, and perceptions of shale gas extraction in Hughesville and Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania
Podeschi et al., November 2021
Different names for “natural gas” influence public perception of it
Lacroix et al., October 2021
Citizen perceptions of fracking-related earthquakes: Exploring the roles of institutional failures and resource loss in Oklahoma, United States
Ritchie et al., October 2021
Variation of public discourse about the impacts of fracking with geographic scale and proximity to proposed development
Fedor A. Dokshin, September 2021
Community concern and government response: Identifying socio-economic and demographic predictors of oil and gas complaints and drinking water impairments in Pennsylvania
Clark et al., June 2021
Human-induced or natural hazard? Factors influencing perceptions of actions to be taken in response to induced seismicity
Tracy et al., April 2021
The perceived impact of fracking on energy security and property values in the United Kingdom: An analysis of interviews with key-informants✰
Jack Adam Lampkin and Matthew Hall, February 2021
Risk in discourses around fracking: a discourse linguistic perspective on the UK, the USA and Germany
Anna Mattfeldt, February 2021
“It’s our future” : Youth and fracking justice in England
Dunlop et al., January 2021
Use of Fracking Information Disclosure Policies to Reduce Uncertainty in Risk-Based Decisions
Sean Lonnquist and Deborah Gallagher, February 2025
Connecting Cognitive and Behavioral Characteristics of Policy Conflict in Oil and Gas Politics
Christopher M. Weible and Tanya Heikkila, December 2020
The Goldilocks view: Support and skepticism of the impacts and pace of unconventional oil and gas development in the Bakken Shale of the United States
Ulrich-Schad et al., December 2020
Petro-riskscapes and environmental distress in West Texas: Community perceptions of environmental degradation, threats, and loss
Elser et al., December 2020
An opportunity to say no: Comparing local community attitudes toward onshore unconventional gas development in pre-approval and operational phases
McCrea et al., December 2020
Understanding social licence to operate for onshore gas development: How the underlying drivers fit together
Andrea Walton and Rod McCrea, December 2020
Valuing shale gas development in resource-dependent communities
Zachary T. Keeler and Heather M. Stephens, December 2020
Partisanship does not tell the full story: The complexities of public opinion and fracking in the United States
Michelle H. W. Lee and Ashley Clark, December 2020
Hydraulic fracturing and political conflict: News media coverage of topics and themes across nine states
Berardo et al., December 2020
Humanizing hydrocarbon frontiers: the “lived experience” of shale gas fracking in the United Kingdom’s Fylde communities
Sovacool et al., November 2020
Corrosive disadvantage: the impact of fracking on young people’s capabilities
Dunlop et al., November 2020
‘Frack off’: Towards an anarchist political ecology critique of corporate and state responses to anti-fracking resistance in the UK
Andrea Brock, October 2020
Visual discourse coalitions: visualization and discourse formation in controversies over shale gas development
Gommeh et al., September 2020
Energy Security, International Investment, and Democracy: The Case of the United States Shale Oil and Gas Industry
Stinchfield et al., September 2020
Oil sands, pipelines and fracking: Citizen acceptance of unconventional fossil fuel development and infrastructure in Canada
Todd Brunner and Jonn Axsen, September 2020
Impacts of Marcellus Shale gas extraction: Examining recollected pre-development and post-development perceptions
Gene L. Theodori and Christopher W. Podeschi, August 2020
A Public Health Frame for Fracking? Predicting Public Support for Hydraulic Fracturing
Brian F. O’Neill and Matthew Jerome Schneider, July 2020
Fracking controversies: Enhancing public trust in local government through energy justice
Marlin-Tackie et al., July 2020
What Shapes Public Engagement in Fracking Issues?
Truong et al., June 2020
Partisanship and proximity predict opposition to fracking in Colorado
Raimi et al., June 2020
“Google fracking:” The online information ecology of the English shale gas debate
Rattle et al., June 2020
Pipelining Appalachia: A perspective on the everyday lived experiences of rural communities at the frontline of energy distribution networks development
Martina Angela Caretta and Kristen Abatsis McHenry, May 2020
Comparing the effects of a news article’s message and source on fracking attitudes in an experimental study
Jacob B. Rode and Peter H. Ditto, April 2020
What do outdoor recreationists think of fracking? Politics, ideology, and perceptions of shale gas energy development in Pennsylvania State Forests
Ferguson et al., April 2020
NIMBY, YIMBY, or something else? Geographies of public perceptions of shale gas development in the Marcellus Shale
Zanocco et al., March 2020
Not under my backyard? Psychological distance, local acceptance, and shale gas development in China
Tan et al., March 2020
Human-Induced Seismicity: Risk perceptions in the State of Oklahoma
Campbell et al., January 2020
Living at Extractive Sites: Invisible Harm and Green Victimization in the Oil Fields*
Opsal et al., February 2025
Social Influence, Risk and Benefit Perceptions, and the Acceptability of Risky Energy Technologies: An Explanatory Model of Nuclear Power Versus Shale Gas
Groot et al., February 2025
Key Characteristics Influencing Risk Perceptions of Unconventional Energy Development
Frances A. Marlin-Tackie and Jessica M. Smith, December 2019
Politics, climate change, and earthquakes: Public perceptions of oil and gas impacts in Oklahoma
Gray et al., December 2019
Uncertainty and trustworthiness in discussions of fracking: Exploring the views of academic scientists and local governmental representatives
Michelle L. Edwards, November 2019
"Old Town Dentonites": Community members’ competing constructions of hydraulic fracturing and land use in Denton, Texas
Soyer et al., October 2019
Many voices in the room: A national survey experiment on how framing changes views toward fracking in the United States
Patrick Bayer and Alexander Ovodenko, October 2019
Context matters: Fracking attitudes, knowledge and trust in three communities in Alberta, Canada
Truong et al., September 2019
The impacts of shale natural gas energy development on outdoor recreation: A statewide assessment of pennsylvanians
Ferguson et al., September 2019
Shale gas in coal country: Testing the Goldilocks Zone of energy impacts in the western Appalachian range
Anne N. Junod and Jeffrey B. Jacquet, September 2019
Seeing through risk-colored glasses: Risk and benefit perceptions, knowledge, and the politics of fracking in the United States
Howell et al., September 2019
Public Attitudes towards Hydraulic Fracturing in Western Newfoundland
Martínez-Espiñeira et al., August 2019

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